Take a sneak peak at our new chat room system

Work began on the new chat room software nearly 3 years ago. We wanted to do it the long and hard way to make sure we got it right. No corners were cut, no shortcuts taken, sChat2 has been developed 100% in house from the ground up. No third party software has been relied on, it's completely custom built by us.
We still have a long ways to go until it completely replaces the existing sChat1 software that you and millions of other chatters use across our chat networks, but we're ready for a public release of the beta version and would benefit greatly from your feedback.
The major benefit of the approach taken for the development of the new product is the flexibility to change and adapt as time evolves, to add new features and customize it as our users see necessary. Nothing is more important than staying up to date with modern technology and delivering a product that works regardless of the limitations introduced by a specific device or browser software.
We invite you to participate with the beta testing of sChat2 that is accessible on another chat site we've created. Ideally we'd like your feedback in regards to bug issues, general feedback, feature requests and anything else that you think will be beneficial for us to make the software better.
Access to the new chat software:
To access the demo, visit the new Chat Rooms