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  • ***Levae !! Leave before the next cycle begins, yes you understood it !!!***
    We may contemplate our place within the cyclical nature of existence. As introspective beings, we sense the opportunity for departure before the next cycle unveils itself. Will we transcend the repetitive patterns and find liberation from life's grasp?
    ***Its okay that you consider life seriously, but... honestly..... is that life is considering you seriously? you are just a toy in its hand !!!***
    By embracing our inherent autonomy and forging our own path, we surpass the mere role of playthings, asserting our significance and purpose within this enigmatic existence.
    Do we exist merely as pawns within life's grand design, subject to its whims and caprices? Such introspection prompts us to critically examine our agency amidst this cosmic tapestry.
    Distancing is a beautiful phenomenon when you don't go beyond or within focal length !!!
    It is essential to strike a balance and not detach too much, for we risk disconnecting from the richness and essence of existence itself.
    Off course it is your emotions and you own em! But how many hearts you own with such emotions, if not many, do u own few heart which is rich in terms of life, Yes , off course, it is your emotions
    Our emotions are deeply personal and unique to each individual. They are a reflection of our experiences, values, and inner world. While it is important to honor and cultivate our own emotional landscape, it is also meaningful to have a heart that is rich in empathy and compassion for others.
    And once again the season is changing !! And once again new birds arriving !!! And once again the clash shall arise !!! Then once again the peace will prevail !!!
    Just as the seasons change, bringing new beginnings and transformations, so too do conflicts arise and give way to moments of peace. The arrival of new birds symbolizes the ever-changing world and the potential for harmony amidst clashes.
    he is the last gift wrapper that she threw away! She is the first and last gift in his life !!!
    Recognizing her as the first and last gift in his life emphasizes the enduring importance of their connection and the profound meaning she holds for him.
    Be with the partner who helps you gather your shattered parts, not the one who shatters you into further more parts!!!
    A partner who supports us in the process of healing and growth is essential. Choosing someone who helps gather our shattered parts signifies a compassionate and nurturing bond
    Its okay that we made mistake and fell! But we aint dead yet to lay down as a corpse ! Fucking fix ur knees and get up the sun is still shining anyhow!!!
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    The inevitability of mistakes and setbacks in life.!! It is through these experiences that we learn and grow. While we may stumble and fall, it is crucial to remember that we are still alive and capable of rising again
    Fuck !!!,If you don't respect your self respect in the first place, no where in this earth respect shall be served for you, your world begins from you !!!
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    When we cultivate self-respect, we create a solid ground for others to recognize and honor our worth. It is essential to prioritize our own self-respect as it sets the tone for the interactions we have with the world around us.
    Be with the partner who helps you gather your shattered parts, not the one who shatters you into further more parts!!!
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    Building a strong foundation of mutual respect and care is vital for a flourishing partnership.
    If it weighs too much for the soul to walk further! Just drop and walk past, nothing wrong in that , eventually they might also feel the same ,if not today tomorrow maybe !!!
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    Perhaps one day, those who weighed us down may also feel the need to move forward, and that time may come sooner or later.
    Seek those who seek you, You wont be disappointed !!!
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    By seeking those who seek us, we increase the likelihood of finding partners who value and appreciate us, leading to a more genuine and rewarding connection.
    Be with the one who is happy just because you are present with them, love is pushed to the last in the list nowadays!!!
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    In a world where love can be neglected, embracing and reciprocating this kind of unconditional happiness can rekindle the true essence of love.
    For i gave everything that i had in my hand;
    For i held everything that is meant to by this hand;
    For i embraced the flowers you kept in my hand;
    For i accepted the cuts and bleeds happened in my hand;
    For now all i have is an empty hand with a glow;
    For i shall bid a bye for everything that is beautiful which made this hand beautiful.

    Cya !!!
    Through letting go, the hand finds a newfound radiance in its emptiness, reminding us of the impermanence of all things and the beauty that can arise from release
    Stay low key and don't give a fuck about the Highs, you'll be Elevated naturally !!!
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    The pursuit of genuine self-growth and inner fulfillment becomes the guiding force, allowing us to transcend the triviality of external successes and find true elevation in alignment with our authentic selves.
    Identify with what you identify yourself mostly to identify where you are here!!!
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    By recognizing where we are here, we can explore and evolve our thoughts, perspectives, and contributions to the tapestry of human experience.
    Identify with what you identify yourself mostly to identify where you are here!!!
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    By identifying and understanding ourselves first, we gain clarity on our place within the world.
    I'm not sure what i Miss about her exactly, but I'm sure that i miss myself since she gone!!!
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