Outside sex


I have many times, except when the mosquitos attacking my pumping ass. It's fun under the stars.
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Last night was the best under the stars. My Torch definitely did the trick. It was definitely like a real pussy, the orgasm was the best!


Sometimes depending on the weather. The back porch is quiet and sheltered.
I find it being naked in the night's open air soothing and pleasing. A squirt under the stars is the best. My X and I did it a few times. I have even have went out naked in the rain, nature's shower.
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Fall is almost here. I can see a couple more warm nights coming up. I definitely will get outside for a starlite masterbation session. I picked up some real good weed yesterday (I live in Michigan where it is legal), and looking for a high time with my cock in hand. What else can I do when I get no sex otherwise, from my wife. She says that she is too old and has no desire for sex. What the fuck, I have the desire and my right hand does the job.

I'm thinking about taking a picture of me outside naked in the grass. I guess I like showing off. Live sex chatting on Snapchat would be fun for me.
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It's beautiful outside tonight. I plan on taking that photo outside tonight.
Here I am outside on my knees having fun. It was fun getting this picture in the darkness last night.

It's beautiful outside again today. Hay I can't pass it up. Tonight I can see me naked under the sprinkler. If you have never tried it, you don't know what you are messing.
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The next day with the weather being great for outside sex. Here I am getting ready for a good Masterbation session on the grass in my backyard.
More to come tomorrow. Damn I'm having fun!

Please show us your pictures. Come on get brave and do it. I'm doing it, showing you my naked body.

Show yourself or you can snapchat me. pm me for my chat ID.
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Got my shower ready for tonight. It's going to be fun, I'll update this post with it in use tonight.

I owned a video production company and was asked a couple times if I would produce a few XXX porn videos for them. Doing a lot of weddings and a hunting and fishing program for cable TV, I had to say no. Damn that would have been fun, maybe even a joining in. Now you know why I'm so open with myself here. At 75 years old I'm now into the fun of life, who knows how long I have.
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Got my shower ready for tonight. It's going to be fun, I'll update this post with it in use tonight.

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I owned a video production company and was asked a couple times if I would produce a few XXX porn videos for them. Doing a lot of weddings and a hunting and fishing program for cable TV, I had to say no. Damn that would have been fun, maybe even a joining in. Now you know why I'm so open with myself here. At 75 years old I'm now into the fun of life, who knows how long I have.
Not successful last night because of rain. Yes I did go out naked in the rain, without a camera. I'll try again tonight.
No orgasm last night, just a good time playing in the warm rain. Tonight is the full orgasm, blow me away experience. I'm going for it 100% tonight.
I will post a picture inside or outside what ever works. Here I go showing off my naked body again. Just maybe someone will like my pictures. If that is you please leave me a comment, good or bad.
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Okay I did get a picture of me under the sprinkler, but the photo isn't the best. The flash didn't get me good. Here I am getting wet.


Fall has hit us here in Michigan. I plan on making it naked outside maybe one more time. It will be cool, but what the heck.... yes one more outside picture is coming soon.
I will place my camera close so the flash will show me. I want some video for my Pornhub videos that I'm making.
My videos for Pornhub are describing how to have fun jacking off.
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257 views and no comments?
Why am I posting here, I feel alone. I guess at 257 views I'm being viewed anyway.


Okay we had one more warm night, so guess what. Yes it's challenging fun. This is a shot from a outside video that I'm making. Pornhub it will go........
Head to Florida next week. There will be no outside fun until next summer.