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  • Being human means you’re allowed to be tired, you’re allowed to make mistakes, and you’re allowed to say no
    Remember, being human means experiencing a wide range of emotions and facing challenges. Embracing your humanity, including your limitations, is essential for personal growth and well-being. It's also important to extend understanding and compassion to others as they navigate their own human experiences.
    You are allowed to be loved, have achievements. No one can prevent u from getting what u deserve.
    The funniest thing ever is, when people forget this phrase -“When you're pointing your finger at someone, you've got three pointing back at yourself.” and keep grumbling about others.
    Sometimes, a little self-reflection can lead to a good laugh and a realization that we're not as perfect as we might think. So, it's not only funny but also a meaningful reminder of our own imperfections.
    Yeah, that is all for sensible people who can self analyze and self realise and self reflect. But its funny to think about people who thinks others are imperfect and they have just fallen from the sky. haha
    Being selfish isn’t always a bad thing.
    Sometimes it means that you know
    you have to focus on yourself to get to
    where you want to be.
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    One must refrain from excessive self-centeredness and acknowledge the interconnectedness of all beings. Striking this delicate equilibrium allows us to harmoniously pursue our individual goals while remaining compassionate and considerate toward others in our shared journey towards fulfillment.
    There are just some things no one can understand unless they’ve been through it.
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    You're absolutely right. There are certain experiences and emotions that can be truly understood only by those who have directly experienced them.
    Mistakes can be our greatest teacher.
    They encourage us to look for another direction or a source of action.
    And if we allow them too, they can help us move forward.
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    Mistakes really are the best teacher! They push us to find new paths or take different actions. Embrace them, learn from them, and watch yourself progress. So, let's keep moving forward and channel those mistakes into momentum. The game must go on!
    Mindset is everything. The way you look at the world is how it appears.
    Telling yourself you are capable, confident,
    and going to crush the day with kindness not only lets you change the world,
    but the world of everyone around you.
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    It's all about mindset, believe me. How you view the world shapes your reality. So, start your day with positive self-talk. Believe in your capabilities to achieve, radiate confidence, and spread kindness like confetti.
    Don’t wish them pain. That’s not who you are. If they caused you pain, they must have pain inside. With them healing. That’s what they need.
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    When someone causes us pain, it's essential to recognize that their actions stem from their own inner turmoil. Rather than harboring ill will, we should aspire for their healing and growth.
    Wishing them pain would only perpetuate a cycle of suffering. Instead, let us hope they find solace and transcend their internal struggles, for that is what they truly need.
    At the end of the day, you can either focus on what’s tearing you apart or what's holding you together.
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    I believe that our perspective shapes our reality. In moments of hardship, we have a choice: to fixate on what is causing us pain or to shift our focus towards what brings us strength and resilience.
    Gaslighters hate to see you unbothered by what they thought would bother you.
    Remain unbothered. :cool:
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    By refusing to let their actions and words affect our inner peace, we deny them the satisfaction they seek. Instead, we maintain our composure and clarity, asserting our own truth and refusing to be swayed by their tactics.
    Yeah, And it a talent you know. Very few have this!!!!
    Exit anything that makes you feel like you’re not good enough.
    Don't have to stay and prove that you are good enough.
    Coz if you are really good in it, you will indeed feel that you are GOOD!!
    No one else knows you better than yourself!!
    We are not obligated to prove our worthiness to anyone else. When we truly excel in a particular domain or pursuit, we naturally feel a genuine sense of confidence in our abilities. Ultimately, our own self-perception is the most accurate gauge of our worthiness.
    May every kind thing you do be out of love, not for love.
    May kindness be a fruit of your love.
    Kind even to those who cant love you.
    kind to those who detest you.
    Thats how you, KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS!!
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    By extending kindness to even those who may be unable to reciprocate or harbor animosity, we rise above negativity and dissolve the barriers of hatred.
    Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out.
    Even if you try hard, you wont succeed to figure it out.
    Embrace the unknown, which may make you anxious,
    Wait for things to unfold on its own and let your life surprise you!!
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    By patiently allowing life to unfold, we open ourselves to the magic of surprise and the wisdom that can be gleaned from unexpected paths. Letting go of control can lead to profound growth and discovery.
    Your ability to feel other people’s pain doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to fix it
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    Look, empathy is great, but boundaries are important too. So, take care of yourselves and know that you're not solely responsible for fixing everyone else's problems.
    Expecting things to change without putting in any effort is like waiting for a ship at the airport.
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    It's just not gonna happen! If you want different results, you've gotta put in the work. So get off that comfy couch, stop waiting for miracles, and start taking action to make things happen. Remember, success requires effort, my friend!
    :D agreed :cool:
    "You’re meant for bigger things".
    Remember that when you’re worried about the small petty things.
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    In the grand scheme of life, worrying about small things can be both good and bad. On one hand, paying attention to details shows conscientiousness and can lead to success.It's important to strike a balance and prioritize what's truly significant, fostering peace of mind and focusing on the bigger picture of our existence.
    Thanks boss. It means a loooooooooooooooot.
    Sometimes you just need to relax and remind yourself that you’re doing all that you can and everything is going to turn out just fine
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    While it's commendable to strive for personal growth and exert maximum effort, there are factors beyond our control. Yet, I hesitate to fully embrace the idea that everything will just "turn out fine."​
    Life is inherently unpredictable and filled with uncertainties. It is more prudent to find peace in accepting and adapting to whatever outcomes may arise, rather than expecting a predetermined notion of what is "fine".​
    "You always hurt the one you love, the one you should not hurt at all;
    You always take the sweetest rose, and crush it till the petals fall;
    You always break the kindest heart, with a hasty word you can't recall;
    So if I broke your heart last night, it's because I love you most of all."

    I do regret it.
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    The notion that hurting the one we love is a sign of deep affection is a fallacy born out of misunderstanding. Love does not necessitate causing pain or neglecting the well-being of another.
    True love seeks to protect, uplift, and cherish. While human flaws and misunderstandings may lead to unintentional harm, it is our responsibility to grow, learn, and strive for healthier expressions of love, rooted in empathy, understanding, and gentleness.
    Simple rule in life:
    If you wouldn't like it done to you,
    don't do it to others!!
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    A more nuanced approach accounts for diverse values and preferences, promoting mutual understanding and communication to determine appropriate actions. Simply adhering to one's own preferences can lead to misunderstandings and unintended harm.
    Be the person who cheers on everyone else’s success, don’t get caught up in drama, and continue to slay in your own lane
    Let us embrace resilience,
    nurture camaraderie,
    and each find our
    own unique way to contribute
    to the magnificence of existence.
    Yea, we are comrades.
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